FOR A LIMITED TIME: Special Offer for Independent CX Consultants and Vendors

Net Promoter Score (NPS) Training Certification Program for Leaders

The industry's leading credential paired with the tools you need to achieve market-leading customer success.


What You Can Expect

Bite-size Chunks

You can easily handle in a day if you chose. Each lesson is equipped with video instruction by Richard Owen, cliff-notes and handbooks.

Access to Experts

Ask questions or contribute to peer feedback. Each Unit is equipped forums, moderated directly by our team of experts.

Always On Access

When your certification is complete, access isn't over. Come back to access any and all tools available during the course of your subscription.

Picture This


Measurement Tools

Access the official NPS program online assessment and pinpoint your best next steps to improve. Backed by guidance from our expert team, you can revisit through the year to mark your progress.


A Program Workbook

To activate your skills, once certified you will unlock access to our Program Workbook. Plug and play scenarios that will help you plan strategies for your roadmap.


VIP Access

Our subscribers receive exclusive invitations to 1:1 or 1:many virtual Q&A sessions with our subject matter experts, industry and company specific webinars.

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