Net Promoter Score (NPS) Workshop

Avoid the biggest, single cause of failure in CX programs by securing executive support and alignment as soon as possible.

Delivered for the C-Suite


We take the time up front to assess the company and the unique needs of the audience in order to focus on what will truly resonate.


Expect content tailored to the senior executive team, delivered by credible senior experts with a track record of customer experience leadership.


Our interactive sessions will get everyone on the same page and committed to your Net Promoter program's success.

Picture This


Boardroom Ready

Strategic in scope but pragmatic in its details. We cut straight to the what, why and how ensuring your executives move in harmony with your program team... as a priority.



Align the leadership team around the economic opportunities and risks created by customer experience execution. Bring pinpoint focus to the specific needs of your company and market.



Expect resolution. We recognize there are currently many conflicting priorities and different perspectives among executive leadership. Together, we will leave the room with a plan that will achieve results.


50% Complete

Two Step

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